Friday, May 17, 2013

CK's Fashion Tip of the Month #3

I figured this time I give another useful tidbit for the closet since it’s the 1st of the Month.
Here’s my Fashion Tip of the Month~

Have a “Focus” point in ALL of your outfits :)
And for those of us getting into fashion at a late age, a “focus” point means just that.
No deeper meaning behind it, just have something for us to zone in on {PLEASE don’t use your “bongo drums” or “Oscar Meyer’s” as a center point! Not only unimaginative, but the law frowns upon flashers}.
The piece that our wandering eye may catch while we zoom past walking 10 paces a second {making that number up if you can’t tell, but we DO move pretty fast}, and it can be a variety of things….as long as it’s in reason --- but more on that later.

First off, the “Focus” point must be something you place on your body that will get you noticed in a good way, an anchor that ties the whole look together whether it be jewelry, scarfs, shoes, bags, belts; whatever. Also, there’s no such thing as “Gaudy”, it just needs to be done in moderation.
For example~
One of my outfits that had turn heads was {starting from the bottom up}:
Black Wedge boots,
Black Slacks,
Dark Blue form-fitting Turtleneck,
Dark Gray Stone Vest,
Silver- chained Cheetah Choke Necklace,
Small Silver hoop earrings

….anything in that description caught your attention?
In case if it was lost upon you, my choker was my guiding point for that outfit.
Had received high marks that day.
However, just because I chose jewelry for that particular statement, doesn’t mean it HAS to be it each time. There were times where I had used my bags or shoes; even a hat did the talking.
What I’m saying is, don’t limit to just one accessory “being the center piece of the dinner table”.

But don’t go crazy!

Just like you can have too much of your favorite food and get sick off of it if you gorge non-stop, same goes for your “focus” points --- have too many and you’ll get booked for crippling as mass amount of people causing mild to severe blindness.
If you think that your chosen point doesn’t exactly turn heads, you can add another one.
The maximum is two (2)!
And unless your goal is to look like a walking painting that you have to squint to make out a picture in a sea of pixel colors {I don’t remember the name of those}, tone it down for those who have sensitive eyesight.
Again, it doesn’t always have to be jewelry.
Be creative but sensible!
If you’re a ring girl, wear either two (2) “flashy” or three (3) small ones on ONE hand,
Love earrings; wear the biggest ones you have with a simple necklace. These are just examples.

That’s it for this segment on fashion ;)
Not really sure if this is effecting your daily lives or even helping at all, but I figure you might be missing me in between  so I’m gonna TRY to send visuals of my “WTF were they thinking?!” outfits put together by so-called companies of retail that CLAIM to know fashion.
But don’t worry, NO piece is beyond improvement; I’ll add “friendly” suggestions to them.

Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama is on probation, so there will be no segment tomorrow until Frankie D decides what she wants to do.

ALWAYS keep it real!
Spread the word!

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