Friday, May 17, 2013

CK's Fashion Tip of the Month #1

Good Afternoon, Divas & Suave men-in-training; I’m here to shine some more brilliance on your already fabulous persona. We all been there --- trying to find the right look to “fit in” when we really should be focusing on if what we chose actually FITS us. I mean with all the spandex and plastic wrapped around cellulite, it’s a wonder our eyes hadn’t started bleeding :(
It’s time to get back to the basics. This segment will require you to do some work on your part….if you’re REALLY ready for change.

First thing ~
go to your closet guys and gals, take a good look and then take out the safe clothes you wear more than one occasion. If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the summary --- “Safe” clothes are what you constantly use over and over because you always looked good in them; plus since it’s already hooked up, there’s no stress and will remain perfect for all time. I tell you now, being in a stand still is not attractive…especially in regards of clothing.

Next ~
take those clothes and put them somewhere (I don’t mean like tossing them in the trash or anything, you’ll see them again), like the attic or a spare closet that no one uses.  I’d wager that you still have plenty of jackets, shirts, shoes, jeans, dress pants and a whole bunch of other stuff that you probably wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. Am I right?

Lastly, after you put your “safe” clothes on the backburner ~
try on every article of clothing left in your closet. Trust me, you haven’t seen these in so long….there’s no guarantee that they still fit right. Make sure you have all day to do this without distractions; this WILL take some time.

On a final thought ~
I just received word about the latest fashions to hit the runway this year; apparently many designers are bringing back styles from the 90’s --- such as Doorknocker Earrings, Floral Dresses (most likely now found in the ‘FloMo’ collection), Lace and the frowned upon look: Overalls. Some were ecstatic that the trend fell through the cracks of memory, only to be brought back as one of the hottest must-haves of the season. I believe they didn’t stick around because of how they looked after the ‘originators’ stopped rocking them 5 days a week or had their careers changed; truthfully, if you had asked me back in the 90’s what I thought about them, I would say the same thing as I’m saying now….they remind me of painters plus they are too baggy and make you look like a bum off the streets.
But I think that’s why a lot of people didn’t like them so much, because they were baggy. In a ‘sophisticated’ world, anything loose on one’s body was seen as sloppy, unkempt and the definition of “punk” --- which is probably the reason designers took the form-fitting approach and adding other fabrics like leather to include with the corduroy and jean blueprint.
Also, I have two articles consisting of “The Fashion Hits and Misses of the 2013 Oscars” and the “Worst Dressed Celebrities of February”.
If you want to see the “DO’s” and “DON’Ts” pictures of the ‘offending’ overalls and/or read the articles and see the footage of the 90’s fashion comeback for yourself, shoot me an email located at the end of this post with “CK’s Fashion – article” in the subject line.

This is Cheetahkit from Keepin’ it Real. I’ll see you guys next month ;)

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