Thursday, May 30, 2013

CK's Fashion Tip of the Month #4

Hey there.

What a week this has been----
Not sure if people will be able to comprehend this segment since they couldn’t follow instructions on the voting process.
Before I start, a reminder that all votes are being totaled as well as the view tally; so if you hadn’t put in your opinion; tough shit!
For this month, I figure I give you guys the list of the ten (10) “must haves” for your closet; sadly, I will be doing them one at a time to conserve space. Gotta leave SOMETHING for you to come back for, right? ;)
And for the record, these will be suggestions; if you don’t wanna use them, that’s your choice.

Our first one ~
Have at least one (1) of the current trends

Believe me--- it can be HARD to keep up with the fads, especially when they do repeats.
You may think you’re done with one trend only to find out that after you’ve thrown it away or donated them, they’ve come back with a vengeance {of course, some of them need to STAY there in the “has bin” [get it?]; time can’t save ALL of them}.
From what I’ve gathered so far, the biggest hits now are Flo Mo, overalls, Hermes’ Wing sneakers {like I know what the hell they’re actually called}, pleather, Camo, snake skin, Hound’s Tooth and a bunch of other eye catchers.
Now I have to admit that even though some of this crap is ridiculously overpriced and greatly exaggerated, they do have a little bit of style.
However, SOME of this junk I’m still trying to figure out how it became popular in the first place when they make them so cumbersome and disrespectful.

Moving on~
Having anyone of these pieces mentioned before in your arsenal will always keep it up to date,
But don’t go crazy!
I have seen many people {and mannequins} wear full-on Hound’s Tooth from the shoes to the accessories….even worse, seeing ALL the trends in ONE outfit!


I know you got your favorite pieces of clothing, but that does not mean they can make an outfit in one setting.
Don’t get me wrong, patterns can be fun --- but throwing the same kind together can cause a person to disappear behind it to a point that it’s moving on its own; and DON’T get me started on putting DIFFERENT patterns in one outfit!!
Why I say have one current trend is just for that reason. We WANT to see you look suave, but we don’t wanna wear shades and pop two aspirins for the growing migraine due to looking straight at it
{I know I have problems with it---- I get hit with motion sickness every time I see it, but it’s like a car crash; you can’t turn away even though it’s gruesome}.

…..and while we’re on this subject, if you own the following:

ANYTHING that is ripped, torn, has holes due to wear and tear or not purchased that way from the store,

Shirts/shorts/dresses/pants that show your private areas {Ladies your boobs/bikini lines/mid drifts,

Gentlemen your butt cracks/underwear/wanker/a peek of your testicles},

Any garments covered in glitter or have anything long enough that can be caught on doors and such,

Shorts/dresses that stop near your “cookie” or move that general direction when you sit,


….I’m not kidding!
THAT’s the main reason why we have so many rape victims and kidnapped teens --- you guys are begging for the “excitement”!

I got more to say on this, but it’ll have to wait until next time when I will go into MORE detail when “WTF?!” starts up….
However, I’ll leave you guys with this~
If you don’t want to be seen as a “piece of meat”, COVER UP!
That much skin is meant for the bedroom!
Also, it leaves something for people to fantasize about; if we BASICALLY see everything you got --- well, there’s no mystery behind you, is there?

I want to say in closing; patterns ARE your “focus” point {if you don’t know what I mean, see my Fashion Tip #3 at}.
Once you choose them, you don’t need anything else but simple coloring for the whole outfit.
And as for have the same pattern from head to toe --- DON’T DO IT!!
Choose either the jacket, pants OR undershirt; not all three. PLEASE!

Before I wrap this up, the final verdict will be announced on June 3rd.
If you want to see our old posts, head over to

Any questions?
Use this link~

ALWAYS keep it real!
c-ya in a few days….

Friday, May 17, 2013

CK's Fashion Tip of the Month #3

I figured this time I give another useful tidbit for the closet since it’s the 1st of the Month.
Here’s my Fashion Tip of the Month~

Have a “Focus” point in ALL of your outfits :)
And for those of us getting into fashion at a late age, a “focus” point means just that.
No deeper meaning behind it, just have something for us to zone in on {PLEASE don’t use your “bongo drums” or “Oscar Meyer’s” as a center point! Not only unimaginative, but the law frowns upon flashers}.
The piece that our wandering eye may catch while we zoom past walking 10 paces a second {making that number up if you can’t tell, but we DO move pretty fast}, and it can be a variety of things….as long as it’s in reason --- but more on that later.

First off, the “Focus” point must be something you place on your body that will get you noticed in a good way, an anchor that ties the whole look together whether it be jewelry, scarfs, shoes, bags, belts; whatever. Also, there’s no such thing as “Gaudy”, it just needs to be done in moderation.
For example~
One of my outfits that had turn heads was {starting from the bottom up}:
Black Wedge boots,
Black Slacks,
Dark Blue form-fitting Turtleneck,
Dark Gray Stone Vest,
Silver- chained Cheetah Choke Necklace,
Small Silver hoop earrings

….anything in that description caught your attention?
In case if it was lost upon you, my choker was my guiding point for that outfit.
Had received high marks that day.
However, just because I chose jewelry for that particular statement, doesn’t mean it HAS to be it each time. There were times where I had used my bags or shoes; even a hat did the talking.
What I’m saying is, don’t limit to just one accessory “being the center piece of the dinner table”.

But don’t go crazy!

Just like you can have too much of your favorite food and get sick off of it if you gorge non-stop, same goes for your “focus” points --- have too many and you’ll get booked for crippling as mass amount of people causing mild to severe blindness.
If you think that your chosen point doesn’t exactly turn heads, you can add another one.
The maximum is two (2)!
And unless your goal is to look like a walking painting that you have to squint to make out a picture in a sea of pixel colors {I don’t remember the name of those}, tone it down for those who have sensitive eyesight.
Again, it doesn’t always have to be jewelry.
Be creative but sensible!
If you’re a ring girl, wear either two (2) “flashy” or three (3) small ones on ONE hand,
Love earrings; wear the biggest ones you have with a simple necklace. These are just examples.

That’s it for this segment on fashion ;)
Not really sure if this is effecting your daily lives or even helping at all, but I figure you might be missing me in between  so I’m gonna TRY to send visuals of my “WTF were they thinking?!” outfits put together by so-called companies of retail that CLAIM to know fashion.
But don’t worry, NO piece is beyond improvement; I’ll add “friendly” suggestions to them.

Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama is on probation, so there will be no segment tomorrow until Frankie D decides what she wants to do.

ALWAYS keep it real!
Spread the word!

CK's Fashion Tip of the Month #2

Hey, this is Cheetahkit and this is the first of the month. You guys know what that means :)
No --- I’m not pulling an “April Fool’s” bit [I REALLY hate those! It’s just as annoying as getting pinched on St. Patty’s day], this is pure genuine.
So here we go with my Fashion Tip of the Month~

“Black, White and Red all over”

….No BS about this, this shit works when you’re in a hurry.
If you come from my generation, you’ll IMMEDIATELY know what this is a reference to. This “riddle” has been used on the playground and has a different answer to it each time it’s told. When I first heard the question, the answer was a newspaper [ y’know? A newspaper has ‘Black’ letters on somewhat a ‘White’ paper and is ‘Red’ {or ‘Read’ as the term is used in this} all over :) ]. The next time I heard it, the answer was a Panda eating a tomato; and they just kept getting more corny each time.

This time it’s being put to good use!
If you’re ever in a hurry or strait for an idea for the day, I guarantee this phrase will save your life.
It can be from patterns to plain colors --- just make sure it’s one pattern [I can’t STRESS that enough!]. Here are some combos that will work:

Black blazer +White jeans +Red undershirt,
Black dress pants +White undershirt + Red jacket,
Black & White pattern Tee +Red skirt,

And so on and so forth ;)
The best part is this never goes out of style. Also, guys can use this phrase as well, so it’s not limited….even I know guys have these colors.

And that’s my Fashion Tip of the month. Hope you had a great Easter :)
Due to the extra segment, Tuesday’s discussion will be moved to next week.
Show up for Frankie D’s talk on Sex, Lies and Drama. ALWAYS keep it real!

Tootles ;)

CK's Fashion Tip of the Month #1

Good Afternoon, Divas & Suave men-in-training; I’m here to shine some more brilliance on your already fabulous persona. We all been there --- trying to find the right look to “fit in” when we really should be focusing on if what we chose actually FITS us. I mean with all the spandex and plastic wrapped around cellulite, it’s a wonder our eyes hadn’t started bleeding :(
It’s time to get back to the basics. This segment will require you to do some work on your part….if you’re REALLY ready for change.

First thing ~
go to your closet guys and gals, take a good look and then take out the safe clothes you wear more than one occasion. If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the summary --- “Safe” clothes are what you constantly use over and over because you always looked good in them; plus since it’s already hooked up, there’s no stress and will remain perfect for all time. I tell you now, being in a stand still is not attractive…especially in regards of clothing.

Next ~
take those clothes and put them somewhere (I don’t mean like tossing them in the trash or anything, you’ll see them again), like the attic or a spare closet that no one uses.  I’d wager that you still have plenty of jackets, shirts, shoes, jeans, dress pants and a whole bunch of other stuff that you probably wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. Am I right?

Lastly, after you put your “safe” clothes on the backburner ~
try on every article of clothing left in your closet. Trust me, you haven’t seen these in so long….there’s no guarantee that they still fit right. Make sure you have all day to do this without distractions; this WILL take some time.

On a final thought ~
I just received word about the latest fashions to hit the runway this year; apparently many designers are bringing back styles from the 90’s --- such as Doorknocker Earrings, Floral Dresses (most likely now found in the ‘FloMo’ collection), Lace and the frowned upon look: Overalls. Some were ecstatic that the trend fell through the cracks of memory, only to be brought back as one of the hottest must-haves of the season. I believe they didn’t stick around because of how they looked after the ‘originators’ stopped rocking them 5 days a week or had their careers changed; truthfully, if you had asked me back in the 90’s what I thought about them, I would say the same thing as I’m saying now….they remind me of painters plus they are too baggy and make you look like a bum off the streets.
But I think that’s why a lot of people didn’t like them so much, because they were baggy. In a ‘sophisticated’ world, anything loose on one’s body was seen as sloppy, unkempt and the definition of “punk” --- which is probably the reason designers took the form-fitting approach and adding other fabrics like leather to include with the corduroy and jean blueprint.
Also, I have two articles consisting of “The Fashion Hits and Misses of the 2013 Oscars” and the “Worst Dressed Celebrities of February”.
If you want to see the “DO’s” and “DON’Ts” pictures of the ‘offending’ overalls and/or read the articles and see the footage of the 90’s fashion comeback for yourself, shoot me an email located at the end of this post with “CK’s Fashion – article” in the subject line.

This is Cheetahkit from Keepin’ it Real. I’ll see you guys next month ;)