Thursday, October 31, 2013

CK's Fashion Tip of the Month #9

Welcome to part six (6) of our “Must Have” list for November’s Fashion Tip.
Last reminder; I will not be updating my weekly segments however this, BR: S/L/D and Anime of the Month will continue during the two (2) month break of winter.
Jumping in it, here’s the next item that no guy/girl should live without~


For the Men folk, they’ve been using this since they hit puberty {well, SOME of them due to the evidence I’ve been seeing on the streets}. The ‘fairer sex’ uses them for “Focus” point; as another attraction ploy like perfume or red lips too dark to be considered natural beauty.
But these are more than fashionable.
They also serve as to hold your pants up *hint hint*, the problem is that most of us don’t know what do REALLY do with them and HOW to use them properly.

Ladies, I know it can be tough to be creative with your wardrobe when you don’t have cash to jazz it up. I have stated that if manufactured belts are expensive one can use scarfs and the like to compensate and I still stand by that as a last resort. To the dudes, I say that these can have an effect on most women because of what is associated with them --- the old stereotype of ‘corporate America’ comes to our minds {i.e. having a job PERIOD and not running the streets or livin’ with Mama asking for handouts} and the possibility of another responsible adult in our lives. For both parties a word of caution, please be wise and not pinch your chest if you’re over a size B with the straps or create your own ‘solar system’ if you’re a man who’s stout but WAY past pudgy.

If what I said above does not cater to you, then here’s the long and the short of it; Belts and Suspenders are made for having a ‘break’ in the action {as stated here~ } and there are right and wrong ways of wearing them.

First off – create a staple for dresses/long Tees/sweaters/sweater dresses, mostly found in neutral or neon they tie the whole piece together. Remember the “light/dark, dark/light” combination I had said? If you have a ‘light’ garment, use a ‘dark’ coloring for your divider so you don’t look like a walking blob of after-images; also if your partial to print, be wary of using them on another print. DO NOT wear a striped belt with polka-dotted dress!

Secondly – even though we like to accentuate the ‘girls’ ladies, having the belts on your natural waistline is all-around the best thing for you. I know you might not want to hear this but I think the guys got it down to a science --- especially if you’re well-endowed and I’m not takin’ about your chest size either. The ‘booty’ is a big factor as well as ‘Mr. Johnson’, we want to be comfortable when we walk and sit {not to mention BREATHE!} and as a one-time user of the stretch belt near my upper torso; I spent more time AJUSTING it in the ladies’ room than enjoying dinner with my man. He might get a VERY different idea on why you keep getting up from the table.

Third – they do not have to be your waist size.
I know, it makes no sense but here’s the thing….different kinds of dividers exist out there that are designed to just LOOK fancy and are not made with the sole proprietor in mind {i.e. the ‘one-size-fits-all’ lie or the Knotted belts}, when you discover one in your closet or purchased one recently w/o trying it on --- don’t panic.
You can still rock it, but test it at home to see if it does its job properly before heading to a party.

Also – fellas, what I’m saying here is unisex, not meant just for women. You too can use scarves and have ‘bling’ out dividers so long as it’s not at particular workplaces; I know for a fact that if Lawyers/Businessmen have them on they conceal it to a point that their pants look like they defied gravity. Now as for working in other 9 to 5 jobs like Retail or Restaurant, ditch any divider that are chains or distant cousins of them.

And Lastly {Ladies, you can use this too!} – NEVER WEAR SUSPENDERS AND BELTS IN THE SAME OUTFIT!!!! One or the other PLEASE!
Also, when I said that your shoes and bag do not have to match anymore, I didn’t say anything about the waist line….belts or suspenders MUST match your shoes; no If’s, Ands or Buts!!     

In closing, remember this if you take nothing else from this tip~
if you’re a girl who’s fully ‘stacked’, ignore the suspenders; and men if you got more than a small ‘pot belly’ or a body build of a walking meatball back AWAY from the belts UNLESS in both scenarios you have those vests/jackets in your arsenal. Trust me on this, pinching and constricting your God-giving assets OR proving to the world that you don’t have a waistline by cutting off circulation in the middle is NOT a good look for anyone.

And on a final note, wearing ANY of these with just a tank top or no top at all is frown upon!
Ladies and Gents please save that for the bedroom.

Thanks for tuning in this Friday.
Be on the lookout for our other monthly segment.

Hope you had a happy Halloween :D